No Shock Here!
Increasing Humidity Helps Reduce Static Electricity.
Whether it is a quick shock from the doorknob or hairs that stick straight up, everyone experiences static electricity; typically in dry, cold air. While these sudden jolts seem mysterious, static electricity is the result of a simple science and can be prevented in the home.
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What is it?
Scuffing your feet can charge you!
Scuffing your feet on the carpet can charge you 10,000 Volts – that’s some serious power as a normal electrical wall outlet is only around 120 Volts. 2
Static electricity travels at light speed.
Like all types of electricity, static electricity travels at light speed (186,282 miles per second). 3
Why does it happen?
Dry cold air which is worse in winter.
The shock is caused by the collection of extra electrons from surfaces and the air. Dry, cold air collects more electrons, making the situation worse during winter. 4
Charges are easily picked up.
Charges are easily picked up, from using wool blankets to dusting glass. Then, when you touch your furry friend – ZAP! 5
How do you prevent it?
Shoes act as insulators.
Shoes act as insulators and create a barrier between us and the ground reducing the conduction or the transfer of electricity.
50% Relative humidity.
Relative humidity – the amount of moisture in the air compared to how much moisture the air can hold – 50% is the sweet spot ot minimize static electricity.
Adding moisture.
Adding moisture to the air decreases static electricity from materials in a room.
Running a humidifier.
Humidifiers, like the Honeywell Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier, add essential moisture back into the air, helping to reduce static electricity.
1 Library of Congress Online.
4 The Weather Network.
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